As a result of the Brexit, Pro-Idee has closed its UK online shop and stopped deliveries from the Continent to the United Kingdom.
You have shopped with us in the past and your Pro-Idee product has developed a fault within its guarantee period? No worries, we’re still here for you. Please simply contact us by mail to export@proidee.de. We’ll be happy to find a solution for you.
If you wish to have your order delivered to an address outside the UK, we invite you to continue shopping in our German, French, Dutch, Austrian or Swiss online shop.
We thank you much for the continuous support throughout the years.
Men's Wellness & Personal Care Products
Pleasant kneading massage like from a masseur. At your desk, while travelling, in the shower, etc.
Composed with the expertise of the master soap makers and perfumers from Marseille and Grasse.
Made of Novalon™: ultra-light, thermo-active, anti-allergenic and latex-free.
Fashionable elegance instead of a sporty casual look: Gentleman’s bathrobe by Boss.
Quite hard to find on a global scale – yet a traditional classic in Italy.
Radiantly white and well-kept teeth using sound. Now simple and safe at home.
As pampering as a luxurious milk bath. Handmade and 100% perfume free.
Extremely fine microfibre to smoothen and deep cleanse your skin.
The easy way to apply lotion to your back - after a bath, the sauna, at the beach, etc.
Softly padded, with 5-fold adjustable backrest and hardwearing textile cover.
Stays warm twice as long – and much safer. With ingenious salt pad, premium cover and safety lock.
Brilliant pearly whites. Without aggressive abrasives, chemical brighteners, or peroxide.
Toothpaste for ultrasound toothbrushes. No abrasive substances to damage teeth and gums.
Recipient of numerous awards for precision, functionality and design.
A complete neck massage tailored to your needs. Without the need for a power outlet or cable.
Luxurious towels. Innovative "AirDrop®" technology makes them nearly twice as thick - and they stay that way.
Saves money. Environmentally friendly. Always ready to use.
Gently cleans and polishes. Removes plaque. For a dazzling smile and visibly whiter teeth.
Easily readable from a distance. Measures with absolute precision even on carpeted floors.
Quality that lasts generations: Beyond compare in design and weighing precision for 60 years.
Percussion therapy: The secret to the success of many top US athletes – now available to everyone.